The power of the written word is far in awe of the ability to make it. Scrawl upon scrawl does not obliterate the word but magnifies the image.

Everything is capable of being transformed, from the banal that it may occupy, to the fantastic - with enough imagination.

The word, as well as being an instrument of knowledge, has also the value as an image. The fact that I don't understand the Chinese language does not deter me from looking at the formed image and enjoying it. I take pleasure in re-translating the written word into Art. Pollock's dribble paintings allowed me to see the possibilities of my word scrawlings to be seen as an image, that, as well as being deciphered into language. In the example opposite, I used different coloured inks to write different passages. Each time I changed colour, I rotated the page and wrote a different piece (mostly lyrics from songs). I also find that to let out emotions on paper can free myself of a lot of garbage. Unfortunately the garbage tends to be dishonest to others that I am writing about. Because of this need to expel it from myself, and also to keep a hard copy, the script needs to be indecipherable, which is well in tune with the image formed.

What must happen is for you to carry on creating, and success will be shown to yourself. All in all, you are the centre of the universe, the actor on the stage, and we are merely here to allow you to perform. Without you we are nothing, everything revolves around you. You are the reason we are all here, to perpetuate you in your creative endeavour.

Les Rowe 1996